[Family Pictures Spring 2006] [colloidal/index.html] [StrategyTester]

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Asafand Alex 1



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Since 12-1-2006 This Ticker will inform you of all new features and News in this Site New live Webcam from Tal's Meron home Live Video from Times- Squre New York On April 2006 You are all invited to Old Scanned Photos and documents on Gaby's Favorits page  Watch the Meteorological Sattlite over the Middel East for true and update weather information and much more in this site.........
Hy Tal what's up ? what's on your mind ....
Click the picture to view Spring 2006 Family Album



 Cyprus Paphos Aphrodite Hills September 2008






 Praha November 2007






Jonathan & Moshe Meron at the "Brit-Mila" ceremony held at Bney-Braq 13-11-06




Gabriel Meron
The wonderful, wise Webmaster.
On top of my slave-Computers job , I pretty much take care of this entire site: the design, the content, the updates, the family research--everything. Watch me........

Flash News from ISRAEL

for those of you who can read this langauge
( Haim Nachman Bialik )

4X4WU -  Amatuer radio station ICOM IC-756Pro     My Ground Plane Butternut Antena
Gabriel : "I enjoy radio, I have been licensed in 1964......."        

   Thumb through the Family Pictures
Visitors, take a peek to see why you're lucky that you didn't get our family's genes.......

 Climb our Family Tree



Old Scanned Photos & Documents


                 Arrival of spring and Moshe's 80th Birthday

Pictures Part - A 

Pictures Part - B

Guest and family members celebrating at Tel-Aviv Hilton (King Salomon Hall) the arrival of spring and Moshe's 80th Biirthday.


Gil & Liza Wedding ceremony

Rabie Moshe L. Meron conducting the wedding ceremony, a toast for the young couple

Listen to Radio Broadcast
Staions in Israel Click the Radio..

New york pictures by
Gaby enjoy...

Click to watch Live Video Cam from
Times Square

Take a look at Doda Liora's Pictures

This links are made for clicking and that just what they do one of this days they click just over you..
( Haim Nachman Bialik )


Asaf & Alex Wedding album.

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This is a great place to keep in contact with everyone you are invited to use it

The Contact page brings you an updated information regarding Members of the family ,Phone Numbers , Address , Birthdays ,Emails Skype etc.

Use the Guestbook for updating us of any changes or other relevant information