By default the system optimized for Eur/Usd 15 min bars.
Never the less It works with any forex instrument in any timeframe. As the system use
information of just completed bars it can be fast re
optimized for your preferable instrument and timeframe.
Pipbuster has only five optimizable parameters
including levels of take profit and stop loss
and one slippage parameter.(Systems
with many optimizable parameters are often unstable).
PipBuster has an integrated money management system
designed conformably to mathematical and statistical
Access_Filter – Period of
Discipline Indicator. (Can be optimized)
TakeProfit –
Take Profit Level
. (Can be optimized)
InitiaStop –
Stop Loss Level (Can be optimized)
– Trailing stop
risk - Risk
Parameter is related to the money management
built in system it will always keep you away from taking
non calculated risk
considering your equities. it will control the lots size
(Can be optimized)
this parameter is to be fixed onthefly according to the
market conditions. (Should
not be optimized)